ANA Gardez Hospital Expan, Paktiya

This was a design built contract and contractor performed all Design, Engineering, procurement, Build and Construction management and renovation of an expansion to the existing Regional Military Hospital on Camp Thunder garrison in Gardez, for the Afghan National Army (ANA) in Paktiya Province, Afghanistan. The project is defined as a Design-Build process that includes the […]

ANA, Afghan Air Force (AF) Forward Area Arming Refuel Point (FAARP), Gardez

The project consists of the Site Adapt and Modified Site Adapt (Design Build) construction of a new Forward Area Arming and Refuel Point (FAARP) for the Afghan Air Force (AAF) in Gardez District, Paktiya Province, Afghanistan. The project defined as the design, material, labor, and equipment to construct buildings, parking, utilities, airfield area, force protection, […]

Commercial Customs Building at Nizhny Pyandzh, Tajikistan

The project consists of the design and construction of a new Tajikistan Commercial Customs Facility (CCF) in support of the newly completed Afghanistan-Tajikistan Bridge. Project site is located in Nizhny Pyandzh, Tajikistan, on the Tajik side of the new Afghanistan-Tajikistan Bridge, and in an area adjacent to the (Tajik) Border Crossing Point (BCP).

ANA Training Range, Camp Zafar, Herat

ANA Training Range Complex Herat was a design-build project. The design and engineering services were included the following activities: – More than 1.2 million square meters of Deep Demining, Aerial and land survey – Civil Infrastructure design including 30200 m2 access road (The roads are designed to carry traffic of up to a 7 ton, […]

Project Description